Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Today's Adventure

Today was the most excitement I've seen since I got those new yummy treats! I got to go to the VET!! No it's not all fun and games, especially when they take your temperature via your you-know-what, or when they use that loud silver elevator thing so they don't have to crouch down to my level for the exam, or when they stuck the swab down my sore ear, but all in all, an adventure's an adventure!

This was me this morning...I know...not a good picture...I was rudely awakened and my ear hurt.

I knew I was in for some excitement when Jess pulled out the leash!! YES!! I made my way to the door as fast as I could!

As we were headed down the steps to the car, she kept blabbing stuff like...careful, not too fast...too heavy...don't want to inside...blah blah blah...

Here's me in my hot ride (you can't see the towel...obviously Jess doesn't trust me or my hair...puh-lease)...I was slightly annoyed that Jess wouldn't roll down the window... thirty degrees, schmirty degrees...whatever...I missed the wind in my face!

Mom and Pops, you'd be so proud of me. I was such a good dog, even when that no-haired wild beast of a dog defied his owner and came toward me @ the clinic...he tripped on his leash, though, HAHA, so I didn't have to open my mouth and show my ferociousness (as well as my tartar build-up, according to the vet).

Yep, a slim 92 lbs. Tell my sitters they shouldn't be skimping on the treats.

One more pic of me patiently waiting for the vet...

She was great, but I was too suspicious of that treat she offered. I definitely didn't eat it. It smelled like...medicine...or another dog...or something...I know not to trust food that smells like sitters (& you, Mom & Pops) have tried that one too many times.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Great pictures! I hope he wasn't too much trouble...he sure does love to go to the vet, though! Hopefully he didn't shed too much hair on your back seat or drip too much slobber down your window. Got to love him! Let us know what the doc said. Thanks!!