Friday, February 8, 2008

Of Bedskirts, Balls & Bats

So I'm sleeping mostly in Taylor & Jessica's room...they think it's because I like them...I think it's because one flight of stairs is tiring enough...two flights could be deadly. T & J seem to like my company...although I'm making them second-guess their black bedskirt purchase...I've left my hairy mark all over it! HaHa!

Yeah, I still have my yellow light-up ball. Here's some pics of me with it. I definitely like those ping-pong balls downstairs, though--much more bite-able. Last time I was down there, I stole one, and they all had a hard time getting it from my kung-fu jaw grip. My hips may barely hold me up, but my mouth's still got it. Yep.

Mom, I wish I was there to explore with you. I'd definitely be protecting you from those fruit bats.

1 comment:

Sandra said... doesn't think you're cute when you're carrying around your ball. Miss you much buddy!