To all my loyal readers, faithful fans, etc:
I know it's been awhile since my last post, but since Mom & Pops have been here, there's been no need to post! It's been a GREAT few weeks with them here...lots of pizza crust, pampering, playing, and even double treats sometimes (Pops says it's good for my joints, but I think it's good for my palate...yumm)! A few observations:
--Mom and Pops arrived home separately, Mom first...This took me awhile to figure out, but it finally dawned on me: Both of them coming home together at once after so long would have probably caused heart failure from overexcitement. They were thoughtful and spaced out their homecomings so I could live to tell about it. Thanks, guys.
--Now that they've gone, I'm still having a little trouble remembering which 2nd floor bedroom I'm supposed to sleep in at night. With Mom & Pops having just left, sometimes it gets confusing. Thankfully Uncle Taylor reminds me the master bedroom is now empty again, and so I turn around and sleepily head to his room.

--I'm a little unsure of this mysterious trail of soft things on the stairs. I try to avoid them if possible whenever traveling between floors, although it makes climbing a little tricky since there's not much room around them. I'm not sure what they're there for, but it's a little inconsiderate for Grampa Walt to have them left them right in the middle of each stair. Leave a little room for the big dog, huh?
I'll leave you with an Easter picture of me...I wanted some Easter candy really bad...can you tell?