"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." -- Josh Billings
If they want to make a good impression for Mom's first trip home, they better get working on all this dog hair laying around... surely they don't expect me to vacuum it up...that vacuum scares me...I'm not comin' near that thing.
I would also like to say that my mealtimes have become much more enjoyable now...I no longer have to maneuver my tongue around the suspicious green or white pills...or even the brown circular one that ALMOST smelled like my food. But not enough like it to make me eat it though...um...usually.
On the other hand, I've traded pills for ear drops...not sure which is worse...those eardrops are a pain...and twice a day. It just ITCHES SO BAD! I wonder if they notice after giving the drops that I stand by the door to go out...not to pee, but to shake that crap out of my ears! And why both ears?! I only have infection in one!
Can't wait for you to come home, Mom...you're nicer than the sitters...you wouldn't give me those awful eardrops, would you?
Here's me in my hot ride (you can't see the towel...obviously Jess doesn't trust me or my hair...puh-lease)...I was slightly annoyed that Jess wouldn't roll down the window... thirty degrees, schmirty degrees...whatever...I missed the wind in my face!
Mom and Pops, you'd be so proud of me. I was such a good dog, even when that no-haired wild beast of a dog defied his owner and came toward me @ the clinic...he tripped on his leash, though, HAHA, so I didn't have to open my mouth and show my ferociousness (as well as my tartar build-up, according to the vet).
One more pic of me patiently waiting for the vet...
She was great, but I was too suspicious of that treat she offered. I definitely didn't eat it. It smelled like...medicine...or another dog...or something...I know not to trust food that smells like medicine...my sitters (& you, Mom & Pops) have tried that one too many times.